wrote me a friend could not join me k porke were in Bethlehem, then my heart was filled with joy and said BELENNNNNNNNNN
Then he wrote saying if I can bring stones of the street would be a wonder ...... have
belen stones -----
now comes the year of rat ...... almost always go together with other hard working ,.....
but tb enter through dark sides in the trash ..... and drained .... . in short, are clever-
appeared the vilencia-ke-male-originating brutal and savage "---- in our country.
a brutal crime happened in stgo. a woman .. MSLl-
made me remember all this violence to dyn cni ---- ------- and all those times ..... the fact that violence occurred intitucionalizada.-in- ñuñoa
the end, it may be true that " eye for an eye "at the end all wrongs.
personally qusiera a country with social and economic justice ...... not this crude UNBALANCED
can go ... or chile or the world, we will draw porke no good.
nature are predators, aliens sakean our country, with the approval of government, it is therefore clear forests ke Chilean Norwegians and then we get furniture made from there,
our wood itself ...... so ...... beg the universe to tilt the balance pa
ecological "pa ..... take care of our wildlife and nature, pa to stop the ambition of the wealthy minority that is not satisfied!