THE RIGHT TO LIFE ... to disagree .... CASE IS NEGOTIABLE '?
IN THIS COUNTRY Everything is negotiable .. but .. shouted young .. in a march through the streets ....
of valparaiso ... "culture garbage .... imperialist ruling justly "...... and
cultural invasion ...... empty makes many women and men so stupid ....
TV National
aske k !......... sorry, luckily the other hand ....
GOIC is a brave Bishop Christian to admire hundreds of people kien .. I talk about ... "wages
ethical "..... and ... where are you????
THE RIGHT TO LIFE is an inalienable right. . speech. .. k exists before birth-
, k a k a god you believe the grant and we will kita ....
but today exists on the presidential chair ... a superb woman .... terko --- k kuando was
strike the penguins walk was used, and left in newspapers sitting dead of laughter
sitting next to the genocidal BUSH ........ ...... but remember
to TACHER, k of England began a war against Argentina in the Falklands and
wild argentino.tb English to territory There is cruelty by female ....
the "manda ---- --- ta aria" brags about not having received the father of Patricia Troncoso Mapuche politika ...... ..... dam and
awareness ....... why I insist the bushelet Kedara in rekuerdo as a mediocre, arrogant
demagogue ..... k have been saying "my concern is for the poorest" ... .... your favorite phrase.
and this pre-squat-tion does not work ....... solo kuando pa Bokito and TV!
from a distance so we say k patricia Kerida your name is always high and this ...... long ..... patricia life .... more than 100 days on hunger strike in jail and harassed a country ... ...... ....... caste callous as ours,
k a country does not look its past has no future ... "the cultural invasion of empires is powerful ...
moral crisis as k .... live, thanks to the rule k!. Is very serious .....
"Arauco has a penalty ... FIRST ... THEN THE CHILEAN SPANISH
levantate Huenchuman said .... Violeta Parra.