CALLED ALL OF THE WORLD WE WANT A Ekiden! to repudiate the invasion ... the norteamerikana squatting in kualkier country in the world! ke something called
"the right to self-determination of peoples" no country can or should be the yard
another rear-
genocide must be tried .... porke always be genocide! as in Palestine and other day lugares.dia to kill Iraqis detain ... ... ..... I do horrorizda prisoners!
never found chemical bombs ke ke they said had been in Iraq ... on the pretext to invade!
the constitution was made by using "and he kitaron rights to women to be free.
inform you in
Marçais END IF LEFT SIDE Squats and read with attention the
complaints about the violation of all human rights for squatters ---- ... the heart ... if even that will shake and you have .... ke ke good we are still sensitive.
ke tb know the war, like Vietnam ... Laos and Cambodia, the governments do not
ke .... people are always paz.lamentable lovers.
all this reflection is in the midst of "vineyard-have-festivallllllllllll ".......