Monday, December 7, 2009
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Why study history?
A teacher asked me that question in a review of literature and wander for fifty minutes. I was sixteen and was eager to define themselves and differentiate themselves from the masses. I hope you will forgive me arrogance.
been several years and I found the arrogance of others. The story is listed in the "human sciences", a set of disciplines that seek to study what people do, say, believe and obey, the infrastructure of societies and of human thought, what they want, what they carry out and how to justify it. They say that human sciences are characterized by subjectivity, that is, they are not absolute, unlike the so-called "hard science" like mathematics, physics or biology. The human sciences, often incorrectly called "letters" (name only valid for translation, interpretation and philology) depend almost entirely on the interpretation by the study, and are not reliable to explain the workings of the world.
And now we take the brake (accustom, I'll do a lot). The story, like other sciences, has been vilified as a manipulable, inaccurate and a classic, useless. Some scientists think so. But let's review some terms. Science comes from the Latin word scientia , which means knowing or knowledge, about anything. The human sciences are not named for caprice and science are truly worthy of the name. And do not let the nickname "human" to deceive us.
There are no exact science. Only perfect systems that seem to make sense within our limited human perception. Geometry, mathematics, chemistry, do not exist in nature as such, only that there is what we call those names. If we leave our human mind and see things without the filter of our limitations, "Two plus two would be four? Maybe, maybe not. We can only cling to our understanding, knowing that not everything, just everything you have. This is how we feel every day historians. And anthropologists, philologists, psychologists, geographers, philosophers and teachers and so on.
History is the psychology of societies. Why do we feel part of a whole, or otherwise want to alienate him? Why consider some other beautiful things in bad taste? Why are some things seem logical but do not know why? The story has no answers universal, but it gives you where you pull threads, and his endless wealth of nuances and points of view will open dozens of doors from which to reach new dimensions of science.
For that, however, we must rid ourselves of the prejudices and misconceptions we have about her, and during the preparation time I realized that there are many. I will see to dissipate from here, trying to make with clarity and humor. At the end of the day, the demon of arrogance really is historic!
Saturday, December 5, 2009
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Welcome to the Desert of the Real.
If you're here because you chose the red pill, you have chosen the truth and it will be. Because in the information age, where all knowledge is a click away, we choose to believe blindly what they tell us, waiting to come to our knowledge. Knowledge must be sought, as a reward, not a gift. Tzunki and I am trying to be your guide to offer you the truth, trying to dismantle myths, legends and dogmas in science-related issues, particularly medicine and biology. When necessary'll bring the references in the literature and when it ... heh, you have to trust my word, and if you do not believe me ask me for references or buscároslas. This blog will attempt to remove the lies and offer the highest accuracy possible on issues history and science.
man since time immemorial has been characterized by their curiosity and ability to reason. Observed phenomena and are looking for a connection and thus learned that if planted seeds grew a plant, that when a stone hits another sparks flew that the stars were a compass. In response to these phenomena occasionally associated with divine powers and despite not know physics, medicine or chemical learned to apply it to their lives. These associations became recommendations, then finally rules and dogmas.
This is an example from the Talmud, the sacred rule book of the Jewish religion says circumcision should be performed 8 days after birth. But there are exceptions:
"If two sisters have lost a son bled, and their children, nor those of her sisters are circumcised."
"If a mother has lost two children, the following shall be circumcised later in life. "
And ... why? Why God came down and said so? No, just because some kids were bleeding to die and was not good. Suffering from bleeding due to hemophilia, a genetic disorder linked to chromosome X that disrupts the metabolic cascade of coagulation. When this happens, blood does not clot properly and not close the wounds bleed to death. This is a disease that increases the prevalence (the number of cases among locals) when small populations and which are not breed with individuals outside their religion, so they have quite unrelated pedigrees. This is defective in men could be seen as they were circumcised, being always inherited from the mother (the only X chromosome inherited from the mother in men) which resulted in that 50% of their sons were hemophiliacs and 100 % if the mother was ill. They had the idea of \u200b\u200bgenetics but appreciated that pattern in the family and turned it into a religious rule. Today many follow this rule without knowing the reason. And like the legends are often based on true events, customs and beliefs often have a scientific basis.
now give the floor to Belsen who ... not necessary that this, or say you will do, as she is able to do it by itself and better than me.
Have a good day.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
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constitute Cooperative for municipal employees across the country.
Santo Domingo .- The National Cooperative Savings, Credit and the Multiple Services (as) employees (as) of local councils and FEDOMU (COOPADOMU) was left up in assembly in new installations of the Dominican Federation of Municipalities in the street Elvira de Mendoza of the University area with the presence of delegates from around the country.
Dr. Jose Reyes, President of FEDOMU and Trustee of La Romana, to highlight the establishment of COOPADOMU said que eso es una muestra de que existen hombres y mujeres que sí creen en la municipalidad dominicana y que desde FEDOMU siempre se respaldarán acciones que beneficien, no solamente al municipio, sino, a la parte esencial del municipio, la gente.
En tanto, que el licenciado Víctor D´Aza, Director Ejecutivo de la FEDOMU, dijo que esa iniciativa es el resultado de una realidad nacional la cual muestra que los empleados municipales, además de ser los empleados públicos que menos salarios devengan, son al mismo tiempo son lo que menos capacidad crediticia, menos acceso a línea de financiamiento poseen.
D´Aza aseguró que COOPADOMU se convertirá "the cloth tear of municipal employees" and predicted that entity is set to become the economic arm of the Dominican city.
At the founding meeting, the steering committee COOPADOMU, discussed and approved its statutes and elected the managerial staff of the institution of economic solidarity with democratic and participatory mechanisms.
The COOPADOMU Board of Directors comprised: Welcome Antonio Disla, Cesar Acosta, Madaline Cabrera, Luis Alberto Meregildo Diaz, Jenny Patrick of Los Santos, Altagracia Diaz Minerva Diaz and Francisco Carrasco, President, Vice President, Treasurer Secretary, vocal and voice, respectively.
While the Supervisory Board was composed of Vilma Contreras as president, Yrden Eufemio Diaz as general secretary and Francis George as vocal, while for the Appropriations Committee is made up of Angel Mercedes as president, the secretary Vianny Reyes and Antuan Anatalia as vocal.
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Executive Director Dominican Federation of Municipalities (FEDOMU), Victor D 'Aza, described as worrisome that lawmakers amend law 176-07 to "accommodate" political patronage.
said that the way is set the number of seats in Article 35 of the National District and the municipalities is the most convenient, because it provides a scale based on the number of inhabitants.
regretted that legislators are so diligent and generous with things that interest them, and not with the municipalities. He said
the Law 176-07 is "reasonable" and that only favor the amendment, to avoid fragmentation of the territory and strengthen the tax to municipalities.
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The local authority said that it is necessary to direct of municipalities and municipal boards in the search for preventive formulas to avoid increasing the spread of the fatal epidemic.
Dr. Jose Reyes, President of FEDOMU and trustee of the town of La Romana said: "Councils and Municipal Councils, should intensify the work of garbage collection so as to avoid breeding of dengue mosquitoes." Reyes
considered essential and necessary integration, in addition, citizenship, cooperation in the elimination of potential breeding sites, accepting the guidance of the ministry of health authorities and patterns to chart the country's municipal authorities.
understand that it is urgent the establishment of a national crusade for each and every one of the sectors of national life must line up against the terrible evil that affects us now
Thursday, October 8, 2009
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Mao .- In the interest of providing a comprehensive and integrated vision of the inherent components of municipal law and national regulations that complement it, while making a survey of the core training needs on the new legal framework of the National District and the municipalities, the Dominican Federation of Municipalities (FEDOMU), the Dominican Municipal League (LMD), The National Council for State Reform (CONARE) and the Association of Municipalities of the Northwest Region ( ASOMURENO), held in the town of Mao, La Jornada Regional Identification Needs on the Law 176-07.
This time aimed at local authorities and municipal officials in the northwest region, was the setting for the raising and discussion of important topics such as: Conceptualization Financial Process in the Context of the Municipal Act, the objectives, scope of reform , modernization state and municipal law and the guiding concepts to detect training needs in the municipal sector, lectured by experts from the Dominican Municipal League, FEDOMU, and CONARE.
With the implementation of the survey as a tool for the arrest of training needs on the law, is intended in the coming days systematize these needs for planning and conducting training sessions more specific such as: Workshops budgetary formulation and execution and more in different thematic areas of the municipal context. Mr. Russi
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municipal authorities and representatives of community organizations Fantino called for, at a meeting held on Wednesday 30 in the Club Lounge on July 4 of this town, which the House of Representatives approved the amendment of the contract between the Dominican State and Pueblo Viejo Dominicana Corporation , which recognizes the right of municipalities to receive 5% of the profits from the exploitation of the goldfields of the old mine in the Dominican Rosary.
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Monday, August 31, 2009
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The document was presented by a committee of the municipal entity headed by Dr. Jose Reyes, president of the organization, Senator Rubén Darío Cruz Ubiera, representative La Romana Province, and Rep. Pedro Alejandro Aguirre, representing the Puerto Plata province, the respective chairmen of Standing Committees of Municipal Affairs.
The Dominican Federation of Municipalities (FEDOMU), on behalf of municipalities Dominican proposes to the National Assembly in the Second Review incorporate reading into the Constitution, the following items:
Article 75 (before 237):
The Office of President and Vice-President of the Republic and the legislative authorities will end on August 16 every four years, when he starts for the constitutional term. The end of the Municipal Authorities, the National Day of the municipalities, April 24, every four years.
congressional officials elected on May 16, 2010, shall serve for a period of six years. City officials, elected on the same date, remain 5 years 8 months and 8 days, stopping in his office on April 24, 2016.
Article 187 (before 85). PARAGRAPH:
Article 189 (before 185):
For the above purposes and in accordance with the law, the executive branch make transfers in a gradual and progressive powers and resources from national to local governments, which will never be less than ten percent of domestic revenues, allocated in the Budget of Income and Expenditure Law. The implementation of these agreements require transfers, accreditation, policies of institutional development, professionalization and training of human resources of the municipalities.
In presenting the document were present, Senators Felix Maria Nova Paulino, Jose Ramon de la Rosa Mateo, Rep. Francisco Rosario Martínez, trustees and unions: Fausto Ruiz, Aura Saldana, Felix Rodriguez, Magnolia Ramirez Amantina Gomez Tony Echavarria, Odalis Rodriguez, Luis Soto, Executive Director FEDOMU, BA Victor D'Aza, Frank Cáceres, Assistant Director of CONARE, Máximo Soriano, Director of the Municipal District of La Caleta, Dr. Peter Richardson and Tacitus ADODIM Perdomo, on behalf of the rulers.
Friday, August 28, 2009
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Dajabón .- Full of joy and satisfaction, local authorities, technical personnel the area of \u200b\u200benvironmental management, solid waste and beautification of the Municipalities and Municipal Districts of Northwestern, completed in the Chamber Hall of Dajabón, hours of training on Integrated Solid Waste Management, which began last July in Esperanza.
The main table of the meeting was made by Ms. Rosa Sonia Mateo, Dajabón Township Trustee, Mr. Luis Alberto Reynoso, Vice Township Trustee, Ms. Delfina Alejo de Burgos, councilor of the city council Dajabón Mr. Jose Alvarez, Network Technician and Mr. Russi GIRESOL Reyes, ASOMURENO coordinator and moderator of the event.
The closing remarks were given by Mr Luis Reynoso, Vice Dajabón Township trustee.
Saturday, August 15, 2009
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From FEDOMU is seen as positive since this provision sets forth the golden rule of municipal democracy in municipalities where one party has the receivership, the president and vice president are of the same party, by mutual agreement between the receiver and the council of each municipality, which also includes the municipal districts.
This agreement for the Dominican Federation of Municipalities is very significant as it consolidates the efforts that have been making year after year, to maintain peace, harmony, peace and governance in municipalities and municipal districts of the country.
The Dominican Federation of Municipalities expressed the various political parties welcomed and invited them to continue to maintain that harmony and cordiality of the good and the strengthening of democracy and development.
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The Executive Director of the Dominican Federation of Municipalities (FEDOMU), Victor D'Aza lawyer, expressed concern and regret that just hours to develop the process of election of directors Buffets municipal councils of several municipalities in the country, political parties have not agreed to reprise once more important and beneficial pact on local governance.
said that this pact has been signed in the two previous consecutive years, which has prevented any occurrences deplorable as those in White Stone of Bonao bloodshed that occurred in irreparable loss of human lives.
He hoped that despite the short time left to implement this agreement, the Dominican Liberation Party (PLD), respond positively to the approach that made the Dominican Revolutionary Party (PRD), by Ignacio Ditrén Engineer Secretary of State Liaison between the Executive and local councils and National Secretary of Municipal Affairs of the ruling party, to be reissued the pact.
noted that through this proposal, the PRD referred to the PLD and the Social Christian Reformist Party (PRSC) that in the event that a trustee is a party, the City Council President is the same party for a more uniform, consensus and governance.
FEDOMU The Executive Director said he is waiting for political parties to communicate their decisions to agree to convene urgently to the signing of the pact and a press conference for dissemination.
Friday, August 7, 2009
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In order to promote capacity building of technicians from environmental and solid waste management, municipalities and municipal districts of the region Northwest, the Dominican Federation of Municipalities (FEDOMU), the Association of Municipalities of the Northwest Region (ASOMURENO) Network Integrated Solid Waste Management (GIRESOL) and Secretary of State for the Environment and Natural Resources (SEMARENA), launched in the municipality of Esperanza, an important training day on the Integrated Management of Solid Waste.
This training day will consist of trainers two training modules, and launched the first module which contained the following aspects: conceptualization and introduction to integrated prevention and management, and legal framework for solid waste management. And a second module to be held in mid August which will include the topics: the local diagnosis, the applicability of local application or proposal and presentation of case studies.
The main table of the opening ceremony of this day was composed of g. In Bolivar Mena, Hope Township Trustee and Vice Presidente De ASOMURENO, The Architect Beatriz Alcántara, Enc. Land Management FEDOMU, Mr. Porfirio Ortega, Enc. Department of Solid Waste SEMARENA, Mr. José Álvarez, technical GIRESOL Network, Ms. Colombina Vargas, Secretary of Environment of the Valverde Province, Mr. Gaspar Baez, alderman of the municipal council of Hope, Ms . Silvia Santos, councilor of the municipality of Esperanza, and Mr. Russi Reyes, ASOMURENO coordinator and moderator of the event.
Opening remarks were given by Mr. Bolívar Mena, who highlighted the importance of solid waste management for sustainable development of the municipality. For its part, Ms. Colombina Vargas, of the Ministry of Environment, said the words of motivation to participants. Beatriz Alcántara Architect, explained the objectives of the training session, and presentations on conceptual framework and conceptualization, were in charge of Porfirio SEMARENA Ortega and Jose Alvarez GIRESOL Network.
This training session counted with the training of 32 technicians in environmental management units of municipalities and municipal districts of the northwest region, which in turn expressed their questions and contributions to the facilitators and participate in the second and final module of the day.
Mr. Russi Reyes
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The mayor of the province of Santiago Rodriguez, Cesar Santillan, said the purpose of the meeting with representatives of the countries of Brazil and Venezuela, is to create a lasso of brotherhood for the development of communities.
also said that the only way for people to develop is that all sectors to come together regardless of skin color and political party.
activity in the awarded plaques of recognition to people who visited the San Ignacio de Sabaneta, in the countries of Brazil and Venezuela for the contribution that will provide to the province.
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FEDOMU law directs municipalities on Social Security Jas.-La
Dominican Federation of Municipalities (FEDOMU) made at City Hall in this city a regional workshop on the Law 177-09 of June 22, 2009, related to the amnesty to employers with arrears in payments to the Dominican System of Social Security, with order to guide the Councils and Municipal Councils on the speared of the law.
With this workshop, the FEDOMU, with the assistance of the Directorate of Information and Protection of the Rights of Partners I (DIDA), the Social Security Treasury (TSS) and the National Health Insurance (SENASA), seeks to direct Dominican Republic to municipalities on the benefits and hardships of the legislation in question.
involves the amnesty granted full debt cancellation to all employers for the contributions and outstanding Old Age Insurance, Disability, and Survivors, Family Health and Occupational Risk contributive regime, ranging from commencement of operations of the system until June 2009.
The FEDOMU, concerned with the development of municipalities and municipal districts of the country, developed an entire battle plan for officers, employees and workers of these benefits are protected by the Dominican Social Security.
Within the workshops, the entity encourages municipal councils and municipal councils to come to their payrolls report from July this year to August from the same year, his staff enjoy the benefits granted by the Dominican Social Security System That
workshop was attended by local authorities of municipalities in the region Cibao Cibao North and Northwest: Trustees / as, councilors as, directors of District Boards, Vice syndicate / os, treasurers / as, in charge of payroll, including others. The moderation of the event was given by Mr. Juan Castillo, Technical Coordinator of the Cibao Region North and ING. Reyes Russi, Coord. Technical Cibao Region Northwest.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
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The workshop with the participation of 7 countries in Central America: Costa Rica, Guatemala, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Honduras, Panama and Dominican Republic was developed under the project "Support to Municipal and Local Power in Central America "which aims to promote democratic governance systems of local governments and building capacities installed in the countries in Local Economic Development.
representatives of municipalities and the Dominican Republic in the coming months will be the ability and commitment to replicate in their respective countries, this module Enforcement Training Local Economic Development, which will consolidate conditions that promote local development with social equity and a more decentralized planning.
Mr. Russi Reyes
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Villa Vásquez .-
July 4, 2009
In order to promote a culture of solid waste management and rational use of water in the region's local authorities and civil society in the region, raise awareness of prevention measures to be taken into account for possible natural hazards, by the way of the hurricane season, the Association of Municipalities of the Northwest Region (ASOMURENO) and the Federation Dominican Municipalities (FEDOMU), conducted in the municipality of Villa Vasquez, the important conference: "Risks Natural Disasters in the Northwest Region and Right Management and Waste Water "with Osiris de Leon, Coordinator of the Environment Committee of the Academy of Sciences of the Dominican Republic.
The main event table was composed of gentlemen, Odalis Rodriguez, trustee of the Municipality of Presidente De ASOMURENO Mao, Mr. Virgilio Rivas, trustee of the municipality of Villa Vasquez and former Pte De ASOMURENO, the Osiris Leon, Geologist and guest speaker, Dr. Genaro Rodriguez FEDOMU Legal Consultant, Ms. Naya Valerio, Pta. Castanets City Council and PTA. of ASODORE, Ms. Carmen Yoselyn Espinal, Director District Board of Hatillo Palma and Mr. Juan Fermín Morel, Councilmember Pte Villa Vasquez.
words of the event were welcomed by Mr. Virgilio Rivas, the opening by Dr. Odalis Rodriguez, the speech of exhortation by Dr. Genaro Rodriguez, representing the executive director Mr. FEDOMU Victor D 'Aza.
After the keynote of Mr. De Leon said these are questions and concerns to the speaker.
Mr. Russi Reyes