The document was presented by a committee of the municipal entity headed by Dr. Jose Reyes, president of the organization, Senator Rubén Darío Cruz Ubiera, representative La Romana Province, and Rep. Pedro Alejandro Aguirre, representing the Puerto Plata province, the respective chairmen of Standing Committees of Municipal Affairs.
The Dominican Federation of Municipalities (FEDOMU), on behalf of municipalities Dominican proposes to the National Assembly in the Second Review incorporate reading into the Constitution, the following items:
Article 75 (before 237):
The Office of President and Vice-President of the Republic and the legislative authorities will end on August 16 every four years, when he starts for the constitutional term. The end of the Municipal Authorities, the National Day of the municipalities, April 24, every four years.
congressional officials elected on May 16, 2010, shall serve for a period of six years. City officials, elected on the same date, remain 5 years 8 months and 8 days, stopping in his office on April 24, 2016.
Article 187 (before 85). PARAGRAPH:
Article 189 (before 185):
For the above purposes and in accordance with the law, the executive branch make transfers in a gradual and progressive powers and resources from national to local governments, which will never be less than ten percent of domestic revenues, allocated in the Budget of Income and Expenditure Law. The implementation of these agreements require transfers, accreditation, policies of institutional development, professionalization and training of human resources of the municipalities.
In presenting the document were present, Senators Felix Maria Nova Paulino, Jose Ramon de la Rosa Mateo, Rep. Francisco Rosario Martínez, trustees and unions: Fausto Ruiz, Aura Saldana, Felix Rodriguez, Magnolia Ramirez Amantina Gomez Tony Echavarria, Odalis Rodriguez, Luis Soto, Executive Director FEDOMU, BA Victor D'Aza, Frank Cáceres, Assistant Director of CONARE, Máximo Soriano, Director of the Municipal District of La Caleta, Dr. Peter Richardson and Tacitus ADODIM Perdomo, on behalf of the rulers.