Thursday, November 12, 2009

Subsurface Irrigation Blocked

constitute Cooperative for municipal employees across the country.


Santo Domingo .- The National Cooperative Savings, Credit and the Multiple Services (as) employees (as) of local councils and FEDOMU (COOPADOMU) was left up in assembly in new installations of the Dominican Federation of Municipalities in the street Elvira de Mendoza of the University area with the presence of delegates from around the country.

Dr. Jose Reyes, President of FEDOMU and Trustee of La Romana, to highlight the establishment of COOPADOMU said que eso es una muestra de que existen hombres y mujeres que sí creen en la municipalidad dominicana y que desde FEDOMU siempre se respaldarán acciones que beneficien, no solamente al municipio, sino, a la parte esencial del municipio, la gente.

En tanto, que el licenciado Víctor D´Aza, Director Ejecutivo de la FEDOMU, dijo que esa iniciativa es el resultado de una realidad nacional la cual muestra que los empleados municipales, además de ser los empleados públicos que menos salarios devengan, son al mismo tiempo son lo que menos capacidad crediticia, menos acceso a línea de financiamiento poseen.

D´Aza aseguró que COOPADOMU se convertirá "the cloth tear of municipal employees" and predicted that entity is set to become the economic arm of the Dominican city.

At the founding meeting, the steering committee COOPADOMU, discussed and approved its statutes and elected the managerial staff of the institution of economic solidarity with democratic and participatory mechanisms.

The COOPADOMU Board of Directors comprised: Welcome Antonio Disla, Cesar Acosta, Madaline Cabrera, Luis Alberto Meregildo Diaz, Jenny Patrick of Los Santos, Altagracia Diaz Minerva Diaz and Francisco Carrasco, President, Vice President, Treasurer Secretary, vocal and voice, respectively.

While the Supervisory Board was composed of Vilma Contreras as president, Yrden Eufemio Diaz as general secretary and Francis George as vocal, while for the Appropriations Committee is made up of Angel Mercedes as president, the secretary Vianny Reyes and Antuan Anatalia as vocal.

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Executive Director Dominican Federation of Municipalities (FEDOMU), Victor D 'Aza, described as worrisome that lawmakers amend law 176-07 to "accommodate" political patronage.

said that the way is set the number of seats in Article 35 of the National District and the municipalities is the most convenient, because it provides a scale based on the number of inhabitants.

"So what were invented to accommodate other situations that generate more political posts," said D 'Aza.

regretted that legislators are so diligent and generous with things that interest them, and not with the municipalities. He said

the Law 176-07 is "reasonable" and that only favor the amendment, to avoid fragmentation of the territory and strengthen the tax to municipalities.

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The Dominican Federation of Municipalities (FEDOMU), called on all local authorities in the country, has integrated the fight against Dengue militantly to counteract the deadly effects that has been producing the disease.

The local authority said that it is necessary to direct of municipalities and municipal boards in the search for preventive formulas to avoid increasing the spread of the fatal epidemic.

regretted the death of 43 persons for purposes of virus so it is necessary a national crusade which integrates all sectors of national life to prevent further loss of life for this cause.

Dr. Jose Reyes, President of FEDOMU and trustee of the town of La Romana said: "Councils and Municipal Councils, should intensify the work of garbage collection so as to avoid breeding of dengue mosquitoes." Reyes

considered essential and necessary integration, in addition, citizenship, cooperation in the elimination of potential breeding sites, accepting the guidance of the ministry of health authorities and patterns to chart the country's municipal authorities.

understand that it is urgent the establishment of a national crusade for each and every one of the sectors of national life must line up against the terrible evil that affects us now