Thursday, June 18, 2009

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Mao .-

Dr. Odalis Rodriguez, received from Mr. Eddie Perez, Mayor of Hartford Connecticut, the keys to the city and distinction of honored guest, at their last visit to this city in company with a delegation from the municipality of Mao, made by Mr. Eliser Tio, Pte Mao City Council, Mr. Manuel Peralta, Fire Department Captain and Messrs. Albert and Freddy Freddy Omar Nunez, members of the fire department.

This visit is framed within the Sister Cities chapter, was aimed at exchanging experiences on good local management practices and actions of prevention and mitigation by the fire department of the city known internationally for its pioneering work in this area.

As a result of this important visit, the town of Mao will be benefited with two tankers and rescue basic props such as fire extinguishers, gas masks, gloves, boots and protective vests for better performance of its functions the benefit of the community and the province maena Valverde.

In the coming days there will be a welcome ceremony for these trucks and utility to the fire department of the municipality of Mao.
Technical Coordination


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Northwest .- In order to encourage a savings culture empleomania in Municipal and offer quality services at low cost to members and partners, The Dominican Federation of Municipalities (FEDOMU) and the Association of Municipalities of the Northwest Region (ASOMURENO) held a meeting to raise awareness in the municipality of Villa Vásquez, for the formation and consolidation of the initiative the National Cooperative Savings, Credit and Multiple Services employees (as) FEDOMU (COOPADOMU).

The FEDOMU, committed to personal and social development of the municipality, has opted for this initiative in the mood to be a socio-economic enterprise for the benefit of (as) employees (as) of municipalities in the country. In this regard, the Association of Municipalities of the Northwest Region, following the guidelines of the executive management of the federation, in their interest to help improve the quality and standard of living of city officials of municipalities and municipal districts of the Region , has made two more meetings, the past 15 and 19 May in the municipalities of Guayubín and Pine, with city officials and employees interested in joining this project of solidarity economy.

These awareness days have been directed by Mr. Ramon Toribio, the technical team and management committee of the cooperative and Mr. Russi Reyes, coordinator of ASOMURENO. On 26 June there will be a fourth day in the town of Mao.

Mr. Russi V. Reyes

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

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Writer: Radhames
GONZÁLEZ ( r.gonzalez @ )

Between 25 000 and 30 000 municipal employees in some 15 municipalities in the first stage will enter the municipal race, said yesterday the president of the Federation Dominican Municipalities (FEDOMU). The entity's president, José Ramón Reyes, considered the plan will result in better service and greater stability for employees beneficiaries.

While the Secretary of Public Administration, Ramón Ventura Camejo said he will begin to evaluate the officers and employees of municipalities from the eight years and Ventura cargo.Reyes Camejo spoke shortly before leaving the seminar initiated by the Secretariat of Public Administration and FEDOMU: "Professionalism and Quality Management at the municipal level." About a hundred mayors and city officials participated in this first activity, prior to the establishment of municipal.Reyes race, trustee, municipality of La Romana in the Dominican Liberation Party (PLD), said that initially will be selected to start the program officers and employees of 15 municipalities, among them the La Romana, whose only choice stated that "it will soon."

The seminar began shortly after 10:00 am and ended past 5:00 in the improved municipal services tarde.Carrera President of the Dominican Federation of Municipalities (FEDOMU) and trustee of The Joseph Roman Ramon Reyes, and Secretary of Public Administration, Ramón Ventura Camejo, concurred that the municipal race will help improve municipal services and bring more stability to the officers and employees eligible to enter. Reyes and Ventura Camejo spoke separately at the seminar for mayors and officials in the areas of accounting, and other services of ayuntamientos.En the expert panel spoke English on the topic Rolando Castillo, Ventura Camejo and Reyes, Gregorio Montero, Jose Mejia, Castillo Lugo and Victor Dario D'Aza, among other exhibitors.

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The Dominican Federation of Municipalities and a delegation of trustees and trustees Dominican border municipalities participated in the Regional Meeting "Territories, Integration and Cooperation Inter-Border ", the same was held in the city and Guatemala and was sponsored by the English Agency for Cooperation and Development (AECI), Foundation for Local Development and Municipal and Institutional Strengthening of Central America and the Caribbean (DEMUCA Foundation) anfitrionia and the Federation of Municipalities of the Central American Isthmus (FEMICA) and the Association of Municipalities of the Republic of Guatemala (ANAM).

The main table was made by Eddy Cienfuente Executive Secretary of the ANAM, Edgar Chamorro Marín, Executive Director of the Central American Integration System (SG-SICA), Carmen Diez Orejas Ambassador of Spain in Guatemala, Zoila Milagro Navas, president of the Corporation of Municipalities of the Republic of El Salvador (COMURES) and president of the Federation of Municipalities of the Central American Isthmus (FEMICA and Adrian Rojas Jaen DEMUCA Foundation president.

Dominican representation was led by Amaury Bello Andrés Cuevas, Technical Coordinator of the Association of Municipalities of the Region Ozama (ASOMUREO) of FEDOMU, and also by the union of the municipality of Dajabon Rosa Sonia Matthew, the trustee of Commander Luis Minier, Trustee of the municipality Paulino Rosario Pedro Santana and Fernando Ramon Nova, Trustee Jimani Township.

The opening ceremony of the event was present, the Deputy Chief of the Dominican Embassy in Guatemala, Rafael Joa, who remained at all times very friendly with the representative Quisqueyanos.

The inaugural lecture was given by Don Manuel Rodriguez Macia, Regional Political Coordinator DEMUCA Foundation under the theme "Promoting Local Development through Cross-Border Cooperation", similarly addressed issues of high interest for the region as the dissertation of Edgar Chamorro SICA Executive Director, "The Role of Cross-Border Towns in Development by Arnulfo Rodriguez, Mayor of the vicinity of Virtue MOCALEMPA, Honduras, Hector Aguirre Commonwealth Rio Lempa, Trifinio and the trustee of the municipality of Comendador, Elías Piña Province of the Dominican Republic Luis Minier, who recounted synthesized the work being done by the Haitian Municipalities Belladere, Sabanette, Cercalasu, cocoas, Tommy and Batista, noting that the commonwealth trial carried out jointly with other municipalities in the Elías Piña province, Hondo Valle, Pedro Santana, Banica, El Llano and Juan Santiago.

were also made at the meeting of Fulladolsa Patricia Palma, making emphasis on the experience of the Regional Programme for Food Security in Central America (PRESANCA) in the Municipal building, Guiselle Rodríguez of the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN-Mesoamerica), Juan Acevedo, the Mayor of Upala, Costa Rica, Johnny Gutierrez , Mayor of San Carlos, Rio San Juan, Nicaragua, Leticia Herrera, Consul of Nicaragua in Costa Rica and Bertha Martinez MALEMLESIP Commonwealth of Honduras, who spoke about "Local Governments as promoters of development in border areas."

With the Regional Meeting "Territories, Intermunicipal Cooperation and Integration Border "is intended to strengthen the technical and political capacities of local governments and associations to generate plans border and territorial development models to establish joint action between local and national land use plans and actions to enhance border cooperation and coordination ties that foster trust, cooperation and solidarity between territories, populations and their governments.

Four working groups comprising representatives from different countries who attended the meeting, provided answers to a topic guide that sought to propose solutions to major challenges and challenges facing local governments and associations in the border areas, to enhance integration processes and joint development, in addition to analyzing the policies and strategies should be prioritized to work with intermunicipal cooperation in border areas.


Thursday, June 4, 2009

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Mao .-
The Dominican Federation of Municipalities (FEDOMU) and the Association of Municipalities of the Northwest Region (ASOMURENO), held in the town of Mao the closing ceremony of Course Development Project, launched on Wednesday 13 May, with participation of local authorities, planning technicians, assistants, secretaries of municipalities and municipal districts of the Northwest Region.

The closing ceremony was led by Víctor D 'Aza , FEDOMU Executive Director and Dr. Odalis Rodriguez Township trustee and Pte De ASOMURENO Mao, who made formal surrender of certificates participation The 22 technicians of the municipalities and municipal districts that successfully finished this course.

The event's opening remarks were given by Dr. Odalis Rodriguez , who congratulated the technical by the decision of wanting to strengthen their skills and knowledge for the benefit of its municipalities. For his part, Mr. Victor D 'Aza, emphasized the commitment of the FEDOMU, improving the capacities of municipal officials, through training and technical assistance, in order to invigorate the local management in municipalities and municipal districts of the region.

Among local authorities and FEDOMU officials who gathered at the closing ceremony were: Mr. Bolívar Mena The , trustee and Vice Presidente De Esperanza ASOMURENO, the Dr. Genaro Rodríguez, FEDOMU Counsel, the Mr. Juan Castillo, coordinator of the Association of Municipalities of the Northern Region and District Boards of Directors of Northwest.

The course will have had a duration of 16 hours taught in 2 sessions of 8 hours each.

Mr. Russi V. Reyes

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Northwest .- In order to encourage the culture of Municipal empleomania savings and provide quality services at low cost to members and partners, The Dominican Federation of Municipalities (FEDOMU) and the Municipalities of the Northwest Region (ASOMURENO) launched a sensitization process in the municipalities of the region by holding meetings of socialization of the initiative for the establishment and constitution of the National Cooperative Savings, Credit and the Multiple Services employees (as) FEDOMU (COOPADOMU).

The FEDOMU, committed to personal and social development of the municipality, has opted for this initiative in the mood to be a socio-economic enterprise for the benefit of (as) employees (as) of municipalities in the country. In this regard, the Association of Municipalities of the Northwest Region, along the lines of executive director of the federation, in their interest to help improve the quality and standard of living of city officials of municipalities and municipal districts of the Region, held on 15 and 19 May in the municipalities of Guayubín and Pine these two important days of socializing, with city officials and employees interested in joining this project of solidarity economy.

These awareness days were led by the Lord Ramon Toribio, the technical team and manager of the cooperative committee and Mr. Russi Reyes, coordinator of ASOMURENO. In the coming days will be held over 2 days in the municipalities of Villa Vasquez, and Mao.

Mr. Russi V.