Writer: Radhames
GONZÁLEZ ( r.gonzalez @ hoy.com.do )
Between 25 000 and 30 000 municipal employees in some 15 municipalities in the first stage will enter the municipal race, said yesterday the president of the Federation Dominican Municipalities (FEDOMU). The entity's president, José Ramón Reyes, considered the plan will result in better service and greater stability for employees beneficiaries.
While the Secretary of Public Administration, Ramón Ventura Camejo said he will begin to evaluate the officers and employees of municipalities from the eight years and Ventura cargo.Reyes Camejo spoke shortly before leaving the seminar initiated by the Secretariat of Public Administration and FEDOMU: "Professionalism and Quality Management at the municipal level." About a hundred mayors and city officials participated in this first activity, prior to the establishment of municipal.Reyes race, trustee, municipality of La Romana in the Dominican Liberation Party (PLD), said that initially will be selected to start the program officers and employees of 15 municipalities, among them the La Romana, whose only choice stated that "it will soon."
The seminar began shortly after 10:00 am and ended past 5:00 in the improved municipal services tarde.Carrera President of the Dominican Federation of Municipalities (FEDOMU) and trustee of The Joseph Roman Ramon Reyes, and Secretary of Public Administration, Ramón Ventura Camejo, concurred that the municipal race will help improve municipal services and bring more stability to the officers and employees eligible to enter. Reyes and Ventura Camejo spoke separately at the seminar for mayors and officials in the areas of accounting, and other services of ayuntamientos.En the expert panel spoke English on the topic Rolando Castillo, Ventura Camejo and Reyes, Gregorio Montero, Jose Mejia, Castillo Lugo and Victor Dario D'Aza, among other exhibitors.
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