The Dominican Federation of Municipalities (FEDOMU), described as unfortunate and disturbing the decision of the Supreme Court in declaring unconstitutional section 284 of the Law 176-07 of the National District and the municipalities, which establishes that they are capable of application rates and taxes on telecommunications companies for the use of land and airspace.
"It's a concern because it kills any initiative arising from the municipalities or the Federation itself, which will result in pursuit of progress in the development of the decentralization of the Dominican state," said Dr. Jose Reyes, president of the FEDOMU at a press conference with the principals of the institution.
understand that this precedent is sitting, the municipalities of the Dominican Republic are its uncertain future as they do not even know where to get the enemies of decentralization in their struggle to maintain a more centralized state every day, which contradicts FEDOMU for different currents and thoughts municipalist worldwide, where every day the municipalities have greater powers and major sources of financing.
explained that you are not leaving the FEDOMU other way than the central government to demand enforcement of the law 166-03, 176-07 ratified in the law, which states that municipalities of the Dominican Republic should receive central government 10 percent of their income entered in the budget law of the nation. Right now the Dominican Federation of Municipalities is poised to hear the results of statutory consultation has asked various consultants trained in municipal environment, for taking further actions to reverse this situation.
"We hope to get better results at these levels and that some day the Supreme Court of Justice on the illegality committed by the central government when it refuses to comply with the provisions of those laws," said the president of the FEDOMU.
Dr. Reyes was attended by Mr. Victor D 'Aza, FEDOMU Executive Director, Mr. Sunday Contreras Secretary General of the National District City Council, the trustee of Bani, Nelson Landestoy, the trustee of San Pedro de Macoris Ramón Antonio Echavarria including municipal authorities.
- Nelson Landestoy, FEDOMU Treasurer and Trustee of the municipality of Bani,
- Mr. Victor D 'Aza, Executive Director FEDOMU,
- DR. José Reyes, President of the FEDOMU and trustee of the Roman
- Mr. Sunday Contreras, Secretary General of the National District City Council
- Architect Ramón A. Echavarria FEDOMU third vice president and trustee of San Pedro de Macoris.
09 JULY 2009
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