El otro día haciendo un trabajo para sistemas modelo di con una mutación del Pez cebra que los genetistas llamaban Dracula (drc). Este pez presenta una mutación en el gen de la ferroquelatasa, un gen que interviene en la ruta de producción de las porfirinas. Las porfirinas son los precursores del grupo hemo. De sangre no emocional, por lo que si el objetivo de los emos es sangrar ¿por qué no se llaman hemo?… me intriga mucho. El grupo hemo es el compuesto de los glóbulos rojos que les proporciona el color que les da nombre y es el encargado transport of oxygen. While presenting this mutation develop porphyria (disease I will try later) and when exposed to ultraviolet light or certain intensity red blood cells begin to emit fluorescence (mutant zebrafish are the twilight pseudovampiros ^ ^) erupt red blood cells causes anemia, liver damage and death. We have found the first fish Vampire Or myth might be after there is some truth? Now I'll start to talking to some diseases that may well have given rise to the myth of vampirism or at least perpetuate.
is a disease characterized by a deficit in the quantity or quality of red blood cells which carry oxygen. Although not always due to blood loss are the typical symptoms that are associated with the victim of a vampire, pallor, dizziness, headache, cold hands and feet ... This disease may be due to genetic causes, infections, menstruation or obey a picture of malnutrition, a common occurrence in many eras. In addition
is a rare genetic disorder characterized by an absence of melanin (Skin pigment, iris and hair) that is characterized by extremely pale complexion, light hair and usually white or red eyes. Apart from this morphology that evokes the figure of the vampire is manifested acute photosensitivity (prone to skin cancer and blindness).
is a contagious disease caused by a bacterium called Bacillus anthracis is transmitted in various forms being the most frequent contact or inhalation of spores. As with anemia produces symptoms similar to that of a person attacked by vampires. High fever, thirst, convulsions, respiratory problems and hallucinations, presenting a choking similar to that produced by blood loss.
is a biological state in which the person lies still, in apparent death and no vital signs. But the patient is aware of his surroundings but can vary the intensity of this. Thus it may in some cases the individual is in a vague state of consciousness or to see and hear everything perfectly happening around them. This disease can be caused by Parkinson's disease, epilepsy, effects of cocaine and schizophrenia among other factors. It is obvious that when he got up (if it had been buried already) the shock of the family was huge and unfortunately for the patient who had been under horrible stress (the idea of \u200b\u200bfree burial is not pleasant) still could end up being executed .
psychiatric illnesses
psychosis and schizophrenia are the most common diagnoses of forensic psychiatrists and experts in criminology to explain the behavior vampire real characters were mostly serial murderers when they found any physical condition. Another explanation is the vampire as a paraphilia (mental disorder related to sexuality) to explain or describe certain behavior best characterized by their criminal acts motivated by libidinal pleasure derived from sight, touch or drink the blood of their victims.
Black Death.
To describe the black plague of all well known. Disease caused by Yersinia pestis , a bacterium the vector (animal that acts as a transmitter) host fleas from rats (any fleas was good but the rats are ideal transport) that caused more political, social, cultural and demographic that many of the illustrious figures contained in the books history. A tradition in the culture of Eastern Europe was to dig up the body and check the status of this, if you gave evidence of having tried to escape (scratches on the lid of the casket), blood stains (the broken nails security); body appeared recently or was swollen and issued "death throes" was considered a vampire and executed. The problem arose prey to hysteria when the authorities (and relatives) buried the patient not to check that really was dead. When the "late" wake up in his grave trying desperately to escape from scratch with complete certainty what will be a long and agonizing death. Thus the dig when extracted seemed cooler than it should and showed signs of having tried to escape from the grave and bloodstains. Not only was sentenced to life to a cruel death, but outraged his body.
are a group of genetic diseases considered rare (0.1% of the population suffers from it) produced by an abnormality in the synthesis pathway of porphyrins (precursor of hemoglobin). The result is an excessive accumulation in the tissues of these substances, which are highly reactive when exposed to sunlight by generating free radicals and hydrogen peroxide (hydrogen peroxide) that causes the lysis (cell rupture) of red blood red, as well as liver damage (liver) and nervous because their accumulation in tissues. Of these diseases is the most famous porphyria erythropoietin (or Gunther disease). The deposition of porphyrins in the teeth gives reddish brown spots while the skin causes photosensitivity manifested as hypersensitivity to light (certain wavelengths), which produces toxic agents (free radicals and peroxides) which manifests as skin itching and pain soon after exposure to sunlight, then a lesion appeared similar to disproportionate burn time of exposure to sunlight to form ulcers that leave marks and deformities in the affected area. This disease the symptoms of hirsutism (abnormal hair growth in unusual), face (more abundant than normal and cheeks), back of hands and ulcerated areas. What added to give a clinical picture that fits the description of Bram Stoker's Dracula which is which absurd given the description of Dracula (physical features hair on the palms of the hands, pointed ears ...) Stoker her out of a book called "The book of the were-wolves" which includes the folklore about werewolves. Even if associated with excessive facial hair. These skin lesions have a devastating effect on the skin will be crippling in the worst affected areas due to sun exposure (face and hands) Deformities. Another consequence of the formation of free radicals is anemia, to generate these compounds produce the lysis of erythrocytes (RBCs). Its symptoms as described above is characteristic of a victim of vampirism or being a vampire. Gastrointestinal symptoms are abdominal pain associated with nausea, vomiting and constipation. Besides damaging the nervous system that manifests clinically as polyneuropathy, muscle pain and sometimes paralysis of the extremities. The most common psychiatric symptoms are anxiety and psychotic crises, events that may be related to the inhumane behavior of vampires.
(do not put image of people suffering from this disease because it would be very respectful)
putrefaction process
As I mentioned when believed there was a vampire in the neighborhood was under consideration the dead of the cemetery and "give peace" to the prisoners. As part of the natural process of putrefaction and fermentation in the lungs and digestive system bacterial flora develops a huge amount of gases. So when a body was exhumed, and trying to manipulate or drive a stake through his chest, pressure on the lungs, the body can breathe a "sigh" or shout to exhale gases. Assuming he was a vampire and stake had put an end to its existence. Also there could come to the belief that his breath smelled of body and the belief that the vampire could curse his murderer, and that people can exhume bodies at contaier sick with bacteria that grow on the dead.
is an infection caused by a virus that infects rhapdovirus central nervous system causing encephalitis (inflammation of nerve tissue .) Mainly transmitted by the saliva of non-human mammals (vectors) to bite. The forest critters like wolves, wild dogs, rats ... they were the main vectors of the disease were associated with the vampire myth in the area of \u200b\u200bEastern Europe. The first symptoms manifest as headache, anorexia, weakness and malaise (classic symptoms of the victim of a vampire). But later when the disease has attacked the central nervous system takes the patient a role similar to that of a vampire. The following symptoms are anxiety, confusion, then delirium, abnormal behavior and hallucinations. In addition to these symptoms of dementia ue cause you great stress and that leads to violent actions are added insomnia, hydrophobia (remember the tradition that vampires can not cross a body of water), photophobia (shun sunlight), rhythm disturbances breathing and tremors. Subsequently, the patient dies from respiratory failure.
marfan syndrome
is a genetic disease that affects connective tissue involved in various tissues such as skeleton, lungs, blood vessels, eyes and heart. Have long bones, extremely flexible joints (at impossible angles) and myopia. The aorta (artery leaving the heart) has a bug that leads to death blow by the pressure due to not having a normal structure. These people have a morphology that probably inspired the film "Nosferatu."
disease neurotoxin synthesized by Clostridium tetani bacteria , the toxin binds to nerve receptors, inducing muscle contraction of skeletal muscle killing by asphyxiation. These jerky movements and muscle stiffness have great power.
These are but a few possible explanations, but the concept of vampire is a persistent myth in many cultures, who knows, maybe there's an infectious agent yet unknown ... Sweet dreams.
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